Setting the Pace for Sustainability

The current production model

of bicycles and resource management to manufacture them seeks to enhance short -term consumption and is taking the planet to an unsustainable situation.

And this must come to an end. We cannot continue using and pulling to infinity because we are exhausting our natural resources.

Getting challenges should not be at odds with being responsible. Our model is based on the circular economy and extending the useful life of bicycles.

Our planet is our only home and we believe in a new model of society that uses and optimizes materials and waste, giving them a second life.

The reuse of bicycles implies a relief for nature and allows sustainable development, thanks to the design of bicycles, from the first piece to the last one can be reused or recycled once their useful life is over.

In nature there are no garbage or landfills: all elements fulfill a function continuously and are reused for use in different stages.

Manufacture, use and throw? No, reduce, reuse and recycle

The circular economy is the basis of our project, every time you buy or sell a second -hand bicycle, it implies these benefits:

Extends the useful life of products

The circular economy makes it possible to extend the useful life of products and give them a second life.

Protect the environment

Reduces emissions, minimizes consumption of natural resources, and reduces waste generation.

Promotes the social economy

Promotes production models based on peer exchange.

Avoid the generation of new waste

Extending the life cycle of products facilitates repair, reuse, and remanufacturing.

Sustainability memory

The current model of bicycle production and resource management is designed to encourage short-term consumption, pushing our planet towards an unsustainable state.

Our planet is our only home, and at Tuvalum, we believe in a new societal model that reuses and optimizes materials and waste, giving them a second life. Reusing bicycles not only relieves stress on nature but also promotes sustainable development, as every part of a bicycle, from the first piece to the last, can be reused or recycled once it reaches the end of its lifecycle.

When assessing the environmental impact of bicycles as a means of transportation, there is no doubt that they represent the most efficient and sustainable option for short urban trips.

The carbon footprint of any vehicle is not limited to its usage but also includes its production. Producing an urban bicycle with a steel frame weighing between 17 and 20 kilograms generates 96 kilograms of CO₂. However, a carbon frame can emit up to three times as much throughout its entire lifecycle. Of course, emissions are not the only consideration when evaluating the environmental impact of a bicycle, and there are many nuances in the debate over which material is more environmentally friendly.

In terms of emissions, recent studies confirm that an alloy bicycle might be the best option for the environment. We at Tuvalum work to breathe new life into these bicycles, with a strategy that promotes the use of bicycles (reuse) as a means to mitigate climate change, thus including the circular economy. Ultimately, we must ensure that our supply chain upholds the quality of service (in environmental and social terms), thereby ensuring proper management of generated waste and bikes that have reached the end of their useful life.