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What is the best way to save your bicycle

What is the best way to save your bicycle

You don't have to tell us how much you love your bicycle. However, sooner or after a day comes when you decide to give you a break. It may be because you should stop due to some injury (we hope you do not), that you have a new model that replaces it, or that you want to leave your favorite hobby for a while. The point is that The time comes to save the bicycle and the big question arises: What is the best way to do it to be protected and ready for when you want to use it again? There are several possible answers for that issue, depending on numerous factors. That is why we want to give you some tips that we consider basic and let you who make the last decision. We hope they find you maximum utility.

Globe it from moisture and light

Choose a covered place and as far as possible from the inclement weather. If you have a garage or a room where you have a small material workshop related to the bike, use it. Check that there are no water or moisture leaks in the place and that do not produce condensations. If the room or the place has a window, prevents direct light from falling on the bicycle. If you store it along with other objects, make sure there is no risk of any that can damage it.

Is it better to cover the bicycle?

Covering our bike has the advantage that Increase your protection and protect from dust, which can affect more than its different components. Use a waterproof case that is simple to save and deploy. You can choose between many models of different colors, materials and closures (zipper, velcro, etc.).

What is the best support?

There is no problem that you simply leave the bicycle supported by the wall, but if you bet on using a support, you can choose between many models; individual or for several bicycles, soil or wall, even roof ... Choose the one that best suits the space you have, Always making sure that the support holds the weight of your best friend And that you have easy access to it.

Should I use an anti -theft?

Even if you keep your own bike at your own home, It will always be advisable to protect it with an anti -theft. In the undesirable case that you suffer aft at home, it will be easier for you not to lose it. Of course, make sure that the anti -theft system does not force any bicycle component if you have planned to save it for quite some time. Bicycle in the room

Before saving it, take it to the workshop

You will not want to find an unpleasant surprise when you reassemble on it, right? Complete Before saying goodbye for a while it is the best way to avoid it. Pay special attention to the following components:
  • Wheels. Covers, tires, radios and bushing are the cardinal points of your wheels. Check that they have no blows and clean them to free them from any dirt. Neither busy nor radios must present slacks.
  • Address and change. The direction bearings must be clean and greased, while in the change we must look at how the Roldanas and lubricate the bearings of the change wheel.
  • Transmission (Pedalier axis, deviation, dish, cassette, pedals and chain). The bicycle motor part is especially sensitive to the passage of time. Check that the pedalier axis does not house water. Use degreaser fluid for these components and check and tighten the screws.
  • Shoes and brake bridges. The former can be sanded to withdraw from them remains of dirt and mud. The brake bridges must be well tight.
  • Others. Check that the wiring is not frayed. It is also a good occasion to clean the handlebar tape.

Latest maintenance tricks

Do not forget that the wiring can be wearing up if you do not use the bicycle for a long time. A trick to avoid it is to gesture the small pinion so that the change dock does not lose tension. So that the brake bridges do not lose tension can be released from the handle. We can also cover the chain with a neutral vaseline that will protect it from oxide. If we have a leather armchair we can apply a special treatment for that material that keeps it in the best conditions during the time that passes in the storage room.
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