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Wax or oil to grease the bike chain, what is better?

Wax or oil to grease the bike chain, what is better?

Growing or lubricating the chain of your bicycle is a basic maintenance operation that you should not forget. You must do so frequently so that the operation of the transmission is correct and extends the useful life of the chain itself, crowns and dishes. When choosing the ideal lubricant, cyclists are divided between oil supporters or wax. We advance since none of these products is clearly better than the other. The choice will depend on the use that you give to your bicycle, the type of land where Ruedes and the state of the chain, whether dry or wet. In price both are at the same time, so it would not be a determining factor. Thus, it is time to go into detail and explain the composition, properties, advantages and disadvantages of wax and oil when it comes to greasing the chain.

Chain wax: Properties, pros and cons

[Captation id = "Attachment_7011" Align = "Alignnone" Width = "744"]Cassette mountain bike Image: Daniel Race[/caption] The wax lubricant, also called dry lubricant, is fundamentally composed of water and ceramic particles and its characteristic color is white. When applying it on the chain, the aqueous base is evaporating while the ceramic part is stuck in the different parts of the chain. These particles form an invisible protective film that repels dust and reduces friction to contact with the teeth of the dishes. When using a water base, the wax is biodegradable and therefore respectful of the environment.

Advantages of wax

Great repellent of dust and mud: The wax avoids in most cases that dust or mud particles are attached to the chain and thus accelerate the wear of the same and the dishes, due to friction. Leave the cleaner chain: Being a great protector against the action of dust or dirt, the chain will accumulate less dirt once you finish the route and its cleaning will be much simpler than if you use oil. Penetrates all parts of the chain: The lower density of the wax, thanks to its aqueous base, allows the ceramic particles to penetrate very thoroughly inside the links and small pieces such as pins, etc.

Inconveniences of the wax

Little water resistance: Having less density, wax is less moisture resistant, although it can support a wet route without major incidents. It is a highly recommended lubricant if you live in a dry region or for your summer routes. In addition, If you wash your bike with water You must grow it completely, since most of the wax will have disappeared. Limited durability: This greater volatility of the lubricant makes it necessary to lubricate the chain more often, minimum every two outputs or every 70 km if you have not washed at that time the bicycle. Necessary grease the chain in advance: In order for the wax to be effective, you must apply it in the chain the day before your departure. If it is not possible, at least 20 minutes before starting the route. This will give the liquid time to evaporate and to the protective particles adhere well to the metal of the chain, preventing them from being lost.

Chain oil: Properties, pros and cons

grease bicycle The base of this chain lubricant is precisely oil, as the name implies. In the market it is offered in two versions: for dry or wet chain. The first has less oil and mixes with Teflon, so it is less dense and more transparent color. This composition causes less dust and dirt than the wet oil version. The second type has a greater concentration of oil, it is more viscous and its color is between blue and green. Its highest density allows you to better protect water chain. Thus it is avoided that over time the gears of the chain oxidize prematurely.

Oil advantages

Long -lasting lubricant: Unlike the wax, the oil is attached to the chain for much longer, prolonging lubrication even after washing it with water. Waterproof: Both oils repel the water very well, especially the wet. It is possible to make a long distance route with the wet chain without friction problems. Of course, once the route is finished, it will be advisable to clean it, dry it and grease again, especially because it will have attracted dirt, mud particles, etc. Effective instantly: Unlike wax, it does not require waiting for a few hours to dry the liquid and lubrication can be effective. At the time you apply the oil through the chain and distribute it a little turning the rods and changing crowns, it is already possible to roll.

Disadvantages of oil

Retains dust or mud more: Due to its greater density and viscosity, dust and mud are stuck more easily to the chain. On routes with roads or dusty roads, the accumulation of dirt can cause the chain to rotate with greater friction, not obtaining the soft movement of the desired movement and causing greater wear of both this and of the dishes and crowns. Dirty the chain: The oil, especially if it is dense for wet chains, is able to retain and accumulate a large amount of dirt (dust, mud, etc.), so it is necessary to clean thoroughly with water (or with the help of a degreaser) Chain, crown, plates and roldanas, so that the mixture between oil and dust does not remain impregnated and solidifies between the teeth. Effective depending on the status of the chain: Although special oils have emerged in recent years that mix properties for both dry and wet, the truth is that in general it is more effective to acquire the most appropriate oil depending on the terrain and the conditions in which you usually mountain Or wet.

Conclusions: What is the ideal lubricant for my chain?

Your choice will depend on the frequency of use of the bicycle and the state in which your chain will be most of the time, whether dry or wet. If you leave to rolle frequently by dry terrain, the most appropriate will be to grease the wax lubricant chain, more effective in these conditions, although its duration will be somewhat lower. On the other hand, if you make wetland routes or your area is frequent rains, we advise you to opt for the oil. This option is also recommended whether route or traffic training, for the longest permanence of the oil on the surface of the chain. Finally, and if we attend to the cycling mode practiced, a wax lubricant can be more convenient if you practices Mountain Bike, since the mud and dust and its limited durability better adapts to the shortest duration of the routes. On the other hand, the oil, due to its most durable protection, can be better adapted to road cycling. In addition, the amount of dust or mud to which it is exposed is much lower in the asphalt than on the dirt roads.
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