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These wheels 'transform' the side wind into speed for your bicycle

These wheels 'transform' the side wind into speed for your bicycle

Both on the track and on the road, when it is about scratching the chrono for a few seconds, wearing some wheels or other makes the difference. That is why triathletes, peppers and cyclists who compete in counterreloj tests concern a lot about the type of wheels to ride on their bicycle. The rolling band (cover or tubular) or the type of material with which the tires are made have a greater importance. For example, carbon wheels are lighter and offer a different touch than those of aluminum, both in the rolled and braking. But above weight or material there is an element that takes on special relevance: aerodynamics. That is why more and more manufacturers invest dozens of hour in the wind tunnel to develop wheels that offer the lowest air resistance. 2-Spoke M5 This has happened, with the advance of the years and of engineering, of the classic and conventional wheels of metallic radios to the lenticular or the so -called sticks of sticks. The latter have progressively reduced the number of connections between the axis and the hoop. There are 6, 5 and up to 3 blades. The Dutch company 2-Spoke has gone one step further and has developed a wheel type for counterreloj tests of only 2 sticks. But the most striking is not only its aggressive aesthetic, but that the brand itself states that its wheels help win faster when there are side wind gusts. Wheels 2-Spoke Some wheels that transform the windy wind into speed? Yes, that is what the brand itself says: "The 2-spoke m5 offer the lowest air resistance of all existing wheels compared to those of 12 or 16 radios, with those of 3, 4, 5 or 6 sticks carbon.
"The 2-spoke offer the slightest air resistance of all existing wheels. Even compared to the lenticular! They are currently the fastest wheels in the world"
But are they really able to generate speed when there is wind on the side? According to the engineering data that the brand has made, a cyclist with the 2-spoke m5 would take up to 2 and a half minutes of advantage to another that would wear three-stick wheels for an hour, provided that both pedal at a constant pace of 51 kilometers per hour. [IRP Posts = "1071"] And as revealed Bikeradar, an independent test showed that the 2-spoke M5 proved to be more efficient in racing wind tests. What was done was to measure how long the wheel took to decelerate when the air blew from 90 degrees (for example, the time it took to stop from 56 kilometers per hour at 26 kilometers per hour). The result is that it took less than other wheels designed to counterreloj. https://youtu.be/-wNOEh8YEB0 Due to the aerodynamics of its design, when there is wind of between 10 and 170 degrees (which practically covers the entire side of side wind), the wheels are able to generate an extra impulse. According to the result of the tests performed, "thanks to the wing shape of the two sticks, the 2-spoke wheel was during the tests performed the only wheel that generated speed." What about reality and what about marketing in all this? Can some wheels really get such results? What is your opinion?
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