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Mandatory traffic standards for cyclists (and the most common fines)

Mandatory traffic standards for cyclists (and the most common fines)

Cyclists and pedestrians are the most vulnerable users if we talk about traffic. But that vulnerability should not serve as an excuse to have a favor of favor when it comes to circulating through streets or roads. The cycling collective has its own standards section in the circulation regulations. In addition, the mobility regulations of each city introduce specific rules or exceptions for its streets that it is important to know. Here we highlight ten of them that, by referring to very common situations, we have seemed the most important. All of them are mandatory for the cyclist, not only to comply with the regulations but to circulate safely and not cause damage to the rest of the road users. In addition, its breach is rigged with fines, which we also detail.

Circulation standards for cyclists in city

cyclists by bicycle If you usually move with your bicycle in the city, special attention must be paid at crosses, traffic lights and pedestrian crossings. These are some of the basic standards:

1. Prohibited to go on the sidewalk

We put it as the first basic traffic standard for cyclists in the city because it is one of the simplest and yet systematically breaches most populations. As a general rule, the cyclist must move along the right margin of the road, never on the sidewalk, unless the municipal mobility regulations allow it, which only happens in very specific assumptions. Madrid, for example, only leaves cyclists to roll on the sidewalk if it is like a continuation of a cycling itinerary. That is, if the bike lane is cut into a certain section and to link with the next one you have to continue circulating on the sidewalk. In Barcelona, ​​meanwhile, it is allowed to circulate through pedestrian areas provided there is no signposted bike lane and the speed is adapted to that of pedestrians. In both cases, if there is a lot of pedestrian density, the cyclist must get off the bike and move on foot pushing the vehicle. Other cities that allow cyclists on the sidewalks, under similar conditions, are Seville or Malaga. The amount of the fine by driving on a bicycle on the sidewalk outside these cases is approximately € 200 (depending on municipal regulations).

2. If there is bike lane it is mandatory to use it

It is clear that the cyclist must move along the right margin of the road, as well as the driver of a car or a motorcycle. But if there is a bike lane as such, with the mandatory road signal for cycles (round and blue background), it is imperative circular by it. This is what article 36 of the General Vehicle Regulation indicates. However, and as in the case of sidewalks, there are cities that establish exceptions in their regulations, allowing the cyclist to choose the road or bike lane. At this point, it is important to inform yourself of municipal ordinances. Penalty fee: 200 €.

3. Cross a zebra step, always on foot

This rule, together with that of circulating on the sidewalk, is the one that is most breached, either due to ignorance, laziness, or for both. If you are going to cross through a pedestrian step with your bike, you must get out of it and cross it on foot. This is the general rule, but there are exceptions collected in some of the mobility ordinances of the main Spanish cities. In Valencia, for example, it is allowed to cross bike -mounted zebra crossings, as long as the speed is reduced and pedestrians are not hindered. The same exception to the norm in Seville if the cyclist respects a meter of separation with the pedestrian or pedestrians. Penalty fee: 200 €.

4. signal all turns

In the dual -way streets when spinning, the meaning we will make with the arm must be indicated. If you turn left, you have to stick to the median (or to the left edge if it is unique) and notify the rest of the users of the intentions of turning, avoiding invading the opposite lane. To twist on the right, you have to stick as much as possible to the right margin and make the indication. The sanction for not signaling the maneuver is equal to not activating the intermittent in the case of driving by car or motorcycle. Penalty fee: 200 €

5. Priority of the cyclist at crosses and roundabouts

As a general rule the cyclist has a priority of passage to a motor vehicle at a crossroads. In the case of rolling in a group, this will be understood as a single vehicle. This means that in a roundabout the priority of passage is the first cyclist of the group. If it enters before another vehicle in the roundabout, the entire group will have a priority, although all its members have not yet entered it. Finally, and very important for city circulation, cyclists should not exceed the maximum speed indicated on the road, as well as the rest of motor vehicles users.

Circulation standards for road cyclists

On the road, in addition to the general regulations already mentioned above, specific circulation rules are added, including the following:

6. Circular through the shoulder

In case there is no bike lane next to the road, the cyclist must always circulate through the right arden of the road. But if it has an insufficient width or is in poor condition, it can be introduced into the right lane and roll as much as possible to the right margin line. In this sense, when making a descent with curves, the cyclist can use part of the right lane to descend and perform the necessary turn maneuvers, except if it is a highway. The sanction for breaching this standard is equal to skipping the precept that every vehicle must circulate through the lane located further to the right. Penalty fee: 200 €.

7. It can be circulated by highway, but not on highway

Cyclists can circulate on the highways, provided they are older than 14 years, that is done exclusively for the right shoulder and there is no sign that prevents it. On highways, exclusively designed for the circulation of motor vehicles and generally with access control, bicycles will not be able to enter. Penalty fee: 200 €.
The fine for making you a Selfie Like the mobile while you pedal on the road is 200 euros.

8. Circulation in parallel: only two per row

When rolling in a group or platoon, it can be done in parallel, but provided that the width of the row does not exceed the two people. They will always have to do it in the shoulder or tight outside the road if it does not exist or has an insufficient width. However, there are exceptions to this rule. It cannot be circulated in parallel in sections with little visibility, such as curves, grounding changes or under adverse conditions, such as fog days. Penalty fee: 100 €.

9. Mandatory helmet

While in city it is not mandatory that they have been put by those over 16 years (although the DGT recommends its use) on the road is mandatory. It must be approved and not carrying it is a serious fault. On saying that the main function of the helmet is not to avoid a fine, but to save your life in case of accident. Penalty fee: 200 €.

10. Prohibited to use the mobile

As with motor vehicles, if you go by bicycle it is forbidden to use the mobile phone or wear headphones. Doing so can hinder bicycle management, generate distractions or not listen to acoustic signals from other vehicles. It is a serious offense within the circulation regulations. The selfies riding a bike better to do them in standing or when the route ends. Penalty fee: 200 €.
The blood alcohol limits are the same as for the rest of the drivers (0.25 mg/l) and the fines range between 500 and € 1,000

Other circulation standards for cyclists

In addition to these basic rules, cyclists are also obliged to bring front and rear light at night or in low visibility conditions. If they circulate by road, they must wear a homologated reflective vest. Not doing so, you can carry fines of up to € 100. On the other hand, bicycles, like any other vehicle, cannot be driven in a state of drunkenness or under the effects of drugs. Cyclists must undergo detection tests if agents order it. The blood alcohol limits are the same as for the rest of the drivers (0.25 mg/l) and the fines range between 500 and 1,000 euros, depending on the amount of alcohol detected or if it is repeat offered. The only difference is that there is no elimination of driving card points.
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