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How to remove noise from bike disc brakes

How to remove noise from bike disc brakes

There is no doubt that disc brakes have constituted an unquestionable advance applied to cycling practice. Proof of this is that we do not know any cyclist who, after trying them, has returned to the Zapata brake. But nothing is infallible. A good part of cyclists' complaints are caused by noise. That damn squeak ... We could affirm that noisy disc brakes lead the list of annoying problems for most cyclists, both mountain and road. [IRP posts = "5970" name = "How often you should make a review of your bike brakes"]

Why do disc brakes sound?

Many times, noise is motivated by moisture, rain, fog or passing through flooded areas. In this case, there is no problem: the noise will disappear on its own. Another habitual noise is the metallic sound that emits the disc brake after a prolonged descent with a strong slope. The origin is usually a momentary deformation caused by heat on the disc. When cools, the problem disappears equally. They also cause a strident noise. Brake pills spent. Especially, when the wear is complete and it is the rear metal plate that friction directly with the disc. In this case, in addition, the risk of spoiling the disc multiply. Another source of annoying squeaks is the possible contamination of pills or/and discs because of fat or dirt. [Captation Id = "Attachment_7934" Align = "Alignnone" Width = "744"]Brake pad Brake pills, disassembled.[/caption] This could be due to any pollutant element with which we could stumble on our route, as a loose fat in the asphalt. In other cases, it could be due to some brake fluid leak caused by wear of the stamped pistons. In this way, the more km you travel, the greater the possibility of having problems in this aspect. Another cause could be some failure in the brake adjustment. If the pills and/or the tweezers are not aligned correctly, they can cause vibrations that cause noise. The same can happen if bolts and other elements are not squeezed correctly. The compound with which the pills are manufactured can also influence the noise of the braking system of your bicycle. The so -called organic pills tend to be quieter than metallic. If you decide to change pills of different material that you have already mounted, make sure the discs are compatible with it to ensure optimal operation. So far, the solution is simple. The problem comes when the annoying screech persists over the days. In the worst case, it could be caused by some kind of failure in the braking system. If we do not pay attention, the problem can put our security at risk.

How to solve the noise in the disc brakes?

Detected the cause, solving the problem is relatively simple. The first measure is to make a correct cleaning of the discs and brake pads. To do this you must use a specific cleaner for disc brakes. Normally, this type of product has an isopropyl alcohol base (also known as isopropanol) that guarantees rapid evaporation and leaves no waste. Apply a generous amount on the discs, using a clean cloth. Take the opportunity to review them, in case they suffered any curvature or deformation. If so, a perfect alignment of the pieces will be impossible, the braking will be much less effective and the noise will persist. Although the discs are made of steel, they are not prepared to support any lateral force. They can easily bend if, for example, we support the bike on one of them accidentally.   Brake discs As for the brake pads, the ideal is to remove them from their clamp, check them and clean them conveniently. Some pills with a bright or crystallized surface can be the symptom of contaminated or excess contaminated pills. When this point comes, they may squeak, in addition to not fulfilling their function. Sometimes, heat can cause this effect. Sanding the pills a little (with fine grain sandpaper) so that its texture becomes a little more rough would be a sufficient measure for the system to work again. It is important to have caution when applying lubricant or degreaser to the transmission. Avoid aerosols, since it is easy to accidentally spray the braking system. Or, at least, protect the area conveniently. In the event that the pills are contaminated with brake fluid or with some lubricant, the best thing you can do is change them as soon as possible, since it has a difficult solution. The performance will resent and the noise will increase.
The noise caused by contaminated brake pads has a difficult solution, so it is best to replace them.
When removing the pills, you can take advantage to clean and inspect the clamp to see if there are signs of brake fluid leaks from the pistons or if the stamps seem worn out. Before any escape signal, it is best to go to your trusted mechanic. For proper functioning, disc brakes must be aligned correctly. That is, the album must be centered between the brake pads so that both bite it at the same time and with the same force. This is particularly important in road disc brake systems, where the disc has a minimum space between the pills .. To perform this work correctly, you can do the following: Look the screws that unite the clamp the painting to allow it to move freely; Turn the wheel and tighten the brake; With the brake handle pressed, squeeze the screws making sure that the clamp does not move. When you release the handle, the brake pads should be centered. If necessary, repeat the operation. Another operation that you must take into account is the alignment of the discs when it sets up the wheel to avoid rubbing with the pills. If your bicycle has a quick closure, assist that the wheel is centered. The best way to do this is to press the wheel while the bike is on the floor. This allows gravity to contribute to focus the wheel. If your bike has an interior axes, this step is not necessary, since the wheel focuses as they squeeze. Bicycle disc brakes With these simple tips, the squeaks of your disc brakes should disappear. If, even so, they persist, we should think of more complex problems. The problem could lie at the union points of the braking system with the picture. It could be due to an excess of material that prevented an adequate centered, but that is a more remote possibility. Another cause could be an incorrect purge of hydraulic brakes. If the circuit is full of liquid, it is possible that the pistons are not completely retracted, which can cause permanent rubbing with the disc. Sometimes, even, it is the pistons that can cause friction and noise, in case of wear or lack of lubrication. In any case, and in doubt, it is best to go to your trusted store
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