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Do you know the challenge of Iceman Cometh?

Do you know the challenge of Iceman Cometh?

The first Saturday of November of each year thousands of mountain bicycles meet in the American town of Kalkaska (Michigan). The reason is none other than competing in the Iceman Cometh Challenge, The biggest MTB race throughout the United States. His journey is not especially long (just 50 kilometers from Kalkaska to traverse City). Nor does it have an excessively pronounced slope or cross complicated ramps. However, last Saturday More than 5,600 cyclists from different regions of UNIDSO and Canada states came with their mountain bicycles to participate in the 25th anniversary of the test. The reason? The feeling of continued challenge offered by the layout. The challenge of the Iceman Cometh runs through a track that combines areas flooded with sections where the wind recessed; icy paths with weather conditions in which snow is present. There is water, wind, mud, snow and, especially, cold. It is, as the slogan of the test pray, a career where The important thing is not to be the first to cross the finish line, but to arrive with the whole bicycle. There are several categories to take part in the test, both by age (from just over a year to over 80) and by competitive level and gender. This year's winner was Brian Matter, who entered the finish line with a time of 1: 56'54 ". The Iceman Cometh Challenge It is a career for the most demanding bicycles.
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