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Battery maintenance of an electric bike

Battery maintenance of an electric bike

The e-bikes came to stay: they are comfortable, efficient and fun. But they also require specific maintenance, conditioned by their electrical system. It is your true differential feature. Proper maintenance is vital to prolong your useful life and save long -term money. Let's start with the basics. If you buy an electric bike, the first thing you have to do is read the owner's manual. A custom as obvious as unusual, but indispensable to understand your e-bike. There you can consult the operation of all its components: from the battery to the engine. You will find useful information to solve minor problems, as well as maintenance and safety tips. Remember that we talk about electrical systems that manipulated incorrectly can provide the occasional disgust.
The owner's manual will help you better understand how your electric bicycle works.
In maintaining an e-bike, the battery plays a fundamental role. The performance of our bike will depend on the treatment that we dispensed, to a large extent.
💡Do you want ideas to buy some of the best batteries for your bicycle? In it Lecyclo catalog You have a selection of models to prolong your pedaling to infinity.
What happens to the engine? Obviously, it is the other key element, but escapes our control. Almost everyone is built so that they do not need maintenance. They are usually housed in a watert and autonomous unit, so it is rarely necessary to disassemble them. As owner of E-Bike, you will have to keep the motor housing clean and monitor any sign of wear. But little else you can do. If something goes wrong, get in touch with the manufacturer to replace the complete unit before trying any repair on your own.

General Maintenance of the E-Bike battery

The battery is an absolute priority when it comes to addressing the maintenance of our e-bike. But we are not going to deceive you. All lithium -ion batteries age naturally, even when they are not used. In fact, it is advisable to conserve a battery in good condition is to use it frequently. Disassembling electric bike battery E-bike brands usually offer guarantee of up to two years. In that period of time, you should not worry excessively, since any functional problem will be covered during that period. But what happens later? There are no miraculous formulas, but you can put some recommendations into practice. Your electric bicycle is a valuable investment and with proper care can last a long time. Various factors can condition the life of your e-bike battery: intensive use of the bike, submit it to extreme temperatures, save it 100% loaded or discharged for a long time, expose the bike to direct sunlight ... On the other hand, certain practices can help you prolong the battery performance of your e-bike: limit the number of recharges, keep the battery in a tempered environment, or store the battery in half load. If you do not plan to walk with your electric for a long time, remove the bike battery; both for security and to keep it in the best possible conditions. [Captation Id = "Attachment_5043" Align = "Alignnone" Width = "744"]Ebike Orbea Rise Image: Orbea Rise.[/caption] What to do when you decide to hang the bike for a good season? Instead of leaving the battery in a fully charged or exhausted closet, it is preferable to save it to 60% of its capacity (approximately). Even and everything, it is good that you check the load level, at least once a month. If you see that it falls below 20%, do not hesitate to recharge it until reaching 40-70% of its capacity. If you do not, the battery could enter into a suspension mode and recover its maximum performance will be almost impossible task. In fact, you should distrust any battery that has been recharging for more than 2 months.
If the battery does not recharge for several months, it will be impossible to recover its original performance.
Remember to use a compatible charger to make sure you are full and safe. In case of doubt, consult the manufacturer or in the User Manual. If it is not compatible with the voltage and amperage values, your e-bike battery could suffer overloads. When recharging, the order in which you establish the connection is important. First, connect the charger to the outlet; Second, connect the battery to the charger. In this way you will avoid damaging the battery because of a direct electric shock. Keep the battery in a dry and tempered atmosphere, between 15ºC and 30ºC. If your e-bike has removable battery, you have it easy. Some manufacturers even offer neoprene covers for the battery to cool more slowly. If it is an integrated battery bike, you must save your machine in cold.

Maintenance of an e-bike battery in winter

If your e-bike maintenance is always important, the arrival of winter demands extra attention. Surely you have heard a thousand times that the batteries do not get along with the cold. Indeed, its performance is reduced in winter and this affects the autonomy of your e-bike. Why does this happen? Without going into scientific details, the lithium ions of the e-bike batteries float in a liquid electrolyte. When lowering the temperature, this electrolyte becomes more viscous and solidifies, reducing its conductivity. Lithium ions migrate more slowly from the anode to the cathode and vice versa. In short: we like it or not, the reality is that e-bikes are not made for extreme climates. The cyclist, either, or yes? If you are one of the people who keep riding an electric bike when winter arrives, congratulations. A great decision that will benefit both your health and your pocket. That, the first. But if you prefer to leave the bike during the most crude winter, it is the ideal time to make an appointment with your specialized distributor and perform a routine maintenance. Giant e-bike Do you feel that with the arrival of the cold your e-bike battery runs faster? Don't worry because it's normal. The thermal descent will affect the performance of your bicycle, yes or yes. Below the 15ºC, you can already notice that the battery is diminishing. If the temperature stands below zero, something strange in full winter mornings, battery autonomy could be below 50% of what would be normal.
In temperatures below zero, the autonomy of the battery of an e-bike can descend below 50%.
The good news is that it is a temporary problem. The battery will work again as the temperature rises. One way to face this issue is to roll with a battery that has been preserved in a tempered environment until the last moment. Started march, it is time to take into account some other recommendations. When the temperatures are very low, it is advisable to opt for a development that allows you to roll more than normal (about 80 pedaling per minute) and in the most uniform way possible. Repeated starts and stops consume more energy. In this way, you will optimize the autonomy of your device. Another issue that can help you is to use high assistance levels at the first moments. More powerful energy discharges contributes to heat the battery and optimize its performance. In a way, it is something similar to what happens to people. When making your route, use the echo mode whenever you do not require maximum power. Also remember that wind resistance can exhaust the battery faster than in a calm day.   Mountain electric bicycle In short, each bicycle and every cyclist is a world, so it is about trying and making mistakes to find the best solution in each case. It's part of the game. After a cold bicycle output, also keep some precautions. A cold battery is very slowly charged, so it is advisable to load it at room temperature. Let the unit stand before to avoid condensation. This could interfere with the load cycle or even damage it.

General maintenance of your e-bike

Another issue linked to battery life is the bike's own maintenance. We talk about aspects as simple as cleaning, lubrication or state of the wheels. They are not exclusive issues of electricity, but have enormous importance and influence the performance of the electrical system. In principle, a frequent cleaning routine will avoid oxide and corrosion. Use a soft cloth to clean your bike after each output; Especially, if you have pedaling with bad weather. You can use pressure whenever you do not notice directly to the engine or to the points where bearings and mobile elements act. Before cleaning your bike in depth, remove the battery. If you just arrived from a route with rain, be sure to dry the moisture you can contain before connecting it to the power supply. As for the cleaning of the battery itself, it tries to keep the terminals or connections of it clean and dry. With a damp cloth, more than enough. Avoid using fat or oil at all costs, since you could cause battery corrosion. [Captation Id = "Attachment_6825" Align = "Alignnone" Width = "744"]Giant Revolt E+ Image: Giant Revolt E+.[/caption] In general, we must be particularly careful with the transmission of our e-bike. The chain is one its critical components, since it transfers the power of the pedals to the rear wheel. If it is dirty or in poor condition, you can wear quickly and damage other transmission components. Hence the importance of keeping it unpolluted and well lubricated. You should not forget either to adjust the tension of the chain. Without timely tension, it can slide or leave, with the consequent energy waste. A well greased chain and adequate pressure in the tires relieve, in part, the effort that the battery must make to boost the engine.
A correct grease of transmission and correct pressure tires save effort to the battery of an electric bike.
In paved terrain, a low pressure generates a drag effect that entails a loss of speed. More energy is required to reach the desired optimal speed. With mountain e-bikes, by roads and trialeras, the opposite occurs. Excessively inflated wheels prevent adequate traction, missing energy. In both cases, your e-bike will compensate for this imbalance, masking the problem but exhausting the battery faster than desirable. Finally, before rolling, make sure the battery is charged 100%. There is nothing more fateful than riding on the bike and checking that you only have a battery bar. You could break your route.
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