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Routes to go by mountain bike in the province of Tarragona

Routes to go by mountain bike in the province of Tarragona

In Tarragona you can perform Mountain Bike routes of all modalities. Its variety of land, mountain mixture (in the north) and plain (central and south) in a few kilometers makes it advisable to visit some of the most striking enclaves of the province uploaded on a bicycle. As main points of interest you cannot miss the Priorat region, famous for its medieval wines and peoples. Also the mountains of Prades, with their surprising valleys and hoces. Also, already on the coast, the Ebro delta can be a good option for more relaxed rolling routes. Finally, we propose a thrilling down the Sierra del Montsiá, with incredible views of the Mediterranean.

Montsant Massif Route

The Montsant borders the Northern the Priorat region, one of the most important wine areas in all of Catalonia and also in Spain. We propose a demanding route for the most famous mountain massif in the province, the Montsant, full of perfectly cyclable roads and paths, although a certain physical and technical level will be necessary to overcome them. The effort is worth it for the landscape and some of the people that are visited, such as the mute of the Montsant, the Bisbal de Falset or the Figuera. The route can be done in a day, although it can be very exhausting, or in two, during a whole weekend.

Mountain Route of Prades

In addition to the Montsant, the mountains of Prades are another of the mountainous systems of the province of Tarragona, with tops that exceed 1,000 meters and valleys with plateaus and cut of great beauty surrounded by forests, including the valleys of the Bruguent rivers And Siurana. The land is perfect for off -road routes, with many ups and downs, some trialera and visit to villages with a lot of charm like Siurana, nestled at the top of a mountain on a giant limestone rock from which you can see a unique panoramic view of the region , of the Siurana river and its reservoir.

Foradada Descent Route

In the southern end of the Ebro Delta, from Sant Carles de la Ràpita, this attractive short enduro route begins but with a decrease of almost 7 kilometers that will make the delight of lovers of this modality or DH. We go up to the Sierra del Montsiá, one of the many mountain ranges of the Catalan coast located parallel to the sea and always give unparalleled views about the Mediterranean. The descent is complicated and a good technical level is required, in addition to doing so with a double to better manage all the rocks of rock and cut that you will find by the path. A circular rise and descent route, full of adrenaline and that will make you repeat if you like descents in Mountain Bike.
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