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Is it possible to run the Tour of France with a bicycle monopathy?

Is it possible to run the Tour of France with a bicycle monopathy?

ROAD MONOPATO Bicycle The use of bicycles with monoplat transmission is something increasingly widespread in mountain cycling. However, on the road it is still an eccentricity ... until now. The Aqua Blue Sport professional team, which debuted this season in its first big Running the cycling return to Spain, it has just presented the bicycle that their runners will use in 2018. The main novelty is that it is a single -seater bicycle. In professional route cycling the transmissions used are two dishes. In this way, more versatile developments are achieved to face the different stage profiles: climbing, descents, repencos, etc. https://youtu.be/T7H26iKjdlI The Aqua Blue Strada 3T bicycle for 2018 takes a step forward with the risky use of a SRAM FORCE 1. Origin System is a real revolution within professionalism. A priori this decision is a reduction in the possibilities to find an adequate cadence by the cyclist. To avoid this, the bicycle has an 11 -speed cassette that incorporates a larger and a smaller niñón than those usually used in the squad. In addition, the team ensures that it is working on the incorporation of a 12 -speed cassette model for 2019. The monoplat transmission is not the only technical innovation with which the Aqua Blue Sport team will go on the road in the 2018 season. The bicycle also mounts some wheels with 28 millimeter roofs -the usual thing in the international squad is to use 25mm -covers -25mm - . On the other hand, the 3T Strada abandons the traditional shoe brake system to incorporate disk hydraulic brakes as standard. There is no doubt that the discs provide a more efficient braking. However, its use in professionalism is not exempt from controversy due to the danger of its sharp edges. >>> Tom Boonen: "Disc brakes are the biggest innovation I have seen on a bicycle" The objective of the Aqua Blue Sport team is to get a place to dispute the Tour of France and consolidate itself as another protagonist of the world cycling elite. At the moment, they have already managed to attract attention with the 3T Strada bicycle they have just presented. Will the next great revolution of the road cycling or the equipment be forced to mount a two -dishes? >>> The 10 innovations that have changed cycling en route
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