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Four tips to avoid joint injuries when you ride a bicycle

Four tips to avoid joint injuries when you ride a bicycle

Practicing sports is usually associated with health improvements, not only because of the visible effects on the body but also because of the effects on the mental and emotional health of those who practice it. However, If the sport is not practiced properly and with the appropriate equipment for each discipline, mild, median or high gravity injuries could appear that over time they can alter the state of physical form and the health of the athlete. In sports such as cycling, Mountain Bike And the triathlon, especially in races, the impact suffered by the joints is less than in other disciplines such as running, since there are no blows against the ground, strong loads or jumps. However, a poor pedaling technique, an inappropriate position on the bicycle or a bad choice of sports material can lead to ailments and injuries that, if not corrected, derive in acute and chronic problems. These are some of the most frequent errors that you can correct to avoid a joint injury:

1- Correct the pedaling technique

A bad technique or a erroneous placement of the foot on the pedal, can lead to a knee injury. The Pie-Pedal ratio largely determines the effect that the pedaling in the knee will cause. Remember that the knee is a hinge joint, that is, it only allows flexion and extension movements. If the foot is not properly placed on the pedal, or if when pedaling there is a movement contrary to natural biomechanics, the transmission of the power will require a greater effort that will also be reflected in the knee. On the other hand, it is important to notice that the coves are correctly anchored on the pedal and that they are not deviant or could, for example, be caused by a Tendinitis in the knee rotators.

2- Choose proper development

Using a development that exceeds body capabilities may have serious consequences. If you opt for a greater development than you are prepared to carry for your training or physical condition, it will require an excessive effort when pedaling and the pressure that it will exert suddenly in your joints will especially affect the femur and the kneecap. The right thing would be to increase the intensity gradually and always be attentive to body reactions before, during and after training.

3- Watch the armchair height

Taking the armchair too high or too low can also injure the knee, both the front and the posterior part, as the case may be. Similarly, if the armchair is placed at an incorrect height, there could be a balancing in the hip at the time of pedaling, also causing a negative effect on this joint. For properly choose the armchair The crotch measure will be taken, (measuring from the ground to the crotch with a book between the legs supported by the perineum), and then multiply that measure by 0.88. Subsequently, this measure will be applied from the center of the pedalier axis to the top of the armchair, which must always be horizontal.

4- Use the right shoes

Cycling shoes that do not remain well can produce terrible ankle injuries, which is the joint that unites the bones of the foot and the leg. Similarly, the constant use, especially in the race, of some cycling shoes that do not adjust well, will cause An alteration of the natural biomechanics of movement on the bicycle which will be reflected in damage in the hip and knee, since the whole body is a set and responds as such. To prevent this effect, it is knowing what is the correct size to choose according to each brand, since it can vary from one to another. In the same way it is convenient to observe the characteristics of the chosen shoes, especially look at the sole, which must be rigid but with a flexibility point, and in the adjustment and support you provide to the foot. Finally, It is essential to keep in mind the recommendations of a specialist Before starting a sports discipline. Only a medical professional can evaluate whether the body is in the best possible way or if special attention should be paid to any part of it, to prevent excessive impact on the joints and any type of injury in a race or at the time of training.
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