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Wax or oil to grease the bike chain, what is better?

Wax or oil to grease the bike chain, what is better?

Lubricate the bicycle chain: Is it better to use wax or oil?

Lubricating the chain of your bicycle is an essential maintenance task that you should not overlook. Doing it regularly will ensure proper transmission operation and prolong the useful life of the chain, crowns and dishes. When choosing the ideal lubricant, cyclists are divided between the use of oil or wax. Although none is superior On the other, the choice will depend on the use that you give to the bicycle, the type of land and the state of the chain, whether dry or wet. Here we explain in detail the properties, advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Why is it important to lubricate your bicycle chain?

Regular chain lubrication helps reduce friction between transmission components, avoiding premature wear. In addition, a well lubricated chain ensures greater pedaling efficiency, which translates into a better performance on your routes.

To maintain your transmission in perfect condition, it is essential to check not only the chain, but all key components. Discover each how much time you must do a revision to the transmission of you bicycle to prolong your useful life.

Wax lubricant: properties, advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of Chain Wax

  • Great repellent of dust and mud: The wax prevents dust or mud particles from adhere to the chain, reducing wear caused by friction.

  • Cleaner chain: By better repelling dirt, the chain is cleaner after each route, facilitating its maintenance.

  • Deep penetration: Thanks to their low density, wax particles penetrate deeply into the links and other parts of the chain.

Disadvantages of Chain Wax

  • Lower water resistance: The wax does not resist moisture well and can disappear quickly after washing the bicycle or rolling in the rain.

  • Limited durability: You will need to apply wax more frequently, ideally every two outputs or every 70 km.

  • Early application: You must grease the chain with wax at least 20 minutes before leaving to be effective.

Oil lubricant: properties, advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of chain oil

  • Long duration lubrication: The oil remains attached to the chain for a longer time, even after washing it.

  • Water resistance: Both dry and wet oil protect the water chain and avoid oxidation.

  • Immediate effect: Unlike the wax, the oil works immediately after its application, allowing you to roll without waiting.

Disadvantages of chain oil

  • Retains more dirt: Due to its density, the oil attracts and accumulates more dust and mud, which increases friction.

  • Dirty the chain: Wet oil in particular can retain a lot of dirt, needing more frequent cleaning.

  • Less versatility: Dry and wet oil is specific for each type of terrain, which forces to choose according to climatic conditions.

What lubricant choose according to your type of bicycle and land?

Mountain Bike or Road?

If you practice mountain cycling, the use of wax is recommended due to its ability to repel dust and mud, which are more frequent in this type of route. On the other hand, if you prefer the road cycling, oil is a better option, since the asphalt has less dirt and the oil provides greater durability.

Dry or wet cycling: What is the most?

In dry conditions, the wax lubricant is more effective, since it maintains the chain clean and reduces friction. However, in wet climates or areas with frequent rains, wet oil will better protect the chain, ensuring a more durable lubrication.

So wax or oil for your bike chain?

The choice of lubricant depends on the use that you give to your bicycle and the type of land that you are going to travel. If you practice dry cycling frequently, opt for wax for a cleaner chain and less wear. On the other hand, if you usually roll in wet or in rain, the oil is your best ally, offering greater protection and durability.

In addition to keeping your chain well lubricated, it is essential to change it in time to avoid wear of the rest of the transmission. Consultation each how much time there is that change the chain of the bike To keep your bicycle in optimal conditions.

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