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To every pill (brake): types, materials and maintenance

To every pill (brake): types, materials and maintenance

Types, materials and brake pills maintenance for your bicycle

The proper functioning of disc brakes goes through the good condition of brake pads. A fundamental piece of the system that suffers breaks down and should be changed periodically. We recommend knowing the types of pills in the market, their composition and materials, their maintenance ... all of them necessary to guarantee perfect behavior.

Brake pills: how they are and their function

The pills are small parts made of metal or with organic compounds that are installed inside the brake clamp, one for each face or side of the disc. They are held with a small metallic support. The pills serve as a friction element between the brake clamp and the disc surface. They allow a powerful, progressive and blocked braking. A pill consists of three different parts:

  1. Medium. It is the metallic part, which can be made of steel, aluminum, titanium or ceramic material (the latter better dissipates the heating of the compound). It serves as the basis to paste the compound.

  2. Compound. It is the part that, pressed by the brake clamp pistons, touches the discussion of the disc to reduce or stop the wheel movement. It is a sheet of millimeter thickness, whose material determines the nature of the braking (more modulated or dry) and the wear of the pill itself.

  3. Spring or crossbow. It is a small metal piece that joins the pair of pills on either side of the disc. It keeps them separate inside the clamp and facilitate their extraction to check their wear, or replace them with new ones.
In addition, there are specific models with metal fins, usually made of aluminum. Insertions that avoid overheating of the pills, allowing it not to be lost braking efficiency after intense use.

What are the pills of? Types of compounds

There is no universal standard in terms of the composition of the pills. Brake brands (Shimano, Sram, Campagnolo, Magura, Hayes, etc.) offer them in diverse materials, which enhance certain braking properties or delay the wear of the pills by the rubbing. We can classify cycling disc brakes according to their duration:

Short duration / organic

They are manufactured with organic compounds, such as graphite or aramid, and other inorganic (carbon or fiberglass), although they are generally known as organic or resin pills. Its surface is soft and low density, which provides a powerful and modulated braking, in addition to being quite silent. However, its wear is faster than the pills made with other materials. They are the cheapest.

Long duration / metal

Better known as metal or sintering pills. In its manufacture, metals such as copper, zinc or iron are used, which are compacted by heat. The result is a dense, hard and that high temperatures resists better. His wear is less and lasts more. On the other hand, the braking is not as precise and progressive as with the organic ones.


Organic and metallic: they are the main categories that identify existing pills in the market. But there are specific models that add elements and materials of both. The goal, obtain mixed pills for changing situations.

📺 In this video you have good information about brake pads. 

Frequent questions about brake pads

Being a piece of the periodic exchange bicycle, it is common for doubts about its replacement, wear, maintenance, etc.

How long does a brake pill last?

The bicycle disc brake pills have an approximate useful life of 6 and 12 months. But everything will depend on the use of the cyclist and the assembly of the bike. The brake type, the material of the pills, the greater or lesser use of the brakes, etc. will influence etc.

How often do you have to change the brake pads?

If you leave to roll frequently, we advise you an annual review of your bike's brakes. You can take advantage to make a change of pills. In demanding cycling modalities, such as MTB In its different modalities, the replacement period should be shortened six months. Especially if yours is Enduro or the Decline.

How to know if a pill is worn?

The squeaks when braking are the clearest symptom of worn or contaminated pill. The loss of touch or power may also indicate wear, which will force a change to avoid damage to the disc surface.

How to check your wear?

The thickness of the compound must be inspected and measured with a rule or caliber if necessary, previously extracting the pair of pills. If it is less than 1 mm, or its surface shows unequal wear, it will be necessary to change them.

If the thickness of the compound is less than 1 mm, or its wear is unequal, you should think about changing pills.
We will have to inspect both the wear and tear of the pill itself (thickness of the compound) and the cleaning of its surface. On the other hand, it must be verified that the surface has no dirt, fat remains, brake fluid, etc. If so, the pill will be contaminated. If dirt is not excessive, it can be cleaned with water, alcohol and sanding gently. Let's say your substitution is not mandatory, but it is recommended.

How much do they cost?

The pills for disc brakes They are not faces in relation to other elements of the bicycle. From 10 euros you can acquire a pair for brake, which you can replace in your own home. If you choose to go to a specialized workshop, the substitution can cost you about 40 euros.

How to keep them in good condition?

A simple tips for use and maintenance will allow you to prolong the useful life of your pills. Anticipate curves and obstacles to stop at the right time. Stop pedaling enough, and then act just the brake. Avoid skidding or hurry the braking too much. You can extend the duration of the pills avoiding abrupt braking and with a frequent cleaning of the tweezers. On the other hand, a cleaning of the brake tweezers is convenient once a month, or after a exit with rain, mud or a lot of dust. To do this, remove the pills first and clean the interior with soap and water, or with a specific product to clean brakes. It dries well with a cloth and then lubricates the pistons with the same mineral oil or hydraulic liquid they use.

What kind of pills choose?

Do I buy organic pills? Better metal pills? It is the recurring doubt of many cyclists. To facilitate the choice, you must take into account how you use the brake, depending on your style and the terrain through which you circulate. For example: if you like to raise and lower ports and make long outflows on the road, metal pills will be more convenient than organic, due to their durability and overheating resistance. For more flat or short tours, organic ones will offer good braking and wear will be noticed less. Something similar can be applied to MTB. Organic pills are more typical of short exits or rolling tours, such as Cross country. Metal pills, on the other hand, are typical of more radical disciplines, such as enduro.

In any case, it is more a trend than a norm. If you pull a lot of brake, mounting metal pills on your XC bike can be a very successful decision. Finally, and not least, do not forget the compatibility of the pills with your brake model. Here the shape of the pill and its size comes into play. For example: in an MTB, or in a electric bicycle, four piston tweezers will require a specific pill with a larger surface. In the road bicycles, and even in XC, the pills are somewhat more compact.

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