He is just two years, but
The Rioja Bike Race A hole has already been made in the calendar of the most important MTB tests nationwide. Last weekend the second edition was held, with the participation of more than 1,000 registered. These were first level bikers such as Carlos Coloma, Catriel Soto or Ismael Ventura.
With certain modifications that increased its attraction, the test was carried out in three stages of 60, 83 and 66 kilometers with 1,808, 2,270 and 2,015 meters of unevenness respectively, which forced bikers to be squeezed for more than three hours every day.
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Carlos Coloma attack
Although it was not simple, Coloma wanted to sentence the test in stages since his first day, evidencing the good moment of a way in which he is. With the same task as Coloma, the Soto, Ventura and Valero test ran, although they did not have the plus of knowing the terrain as the first, native of La Rioja.
The battle was resolved between the two MMR runners after David Valero's mistake at a crossing that subtracted any possibility of fighting the general from the first stage. This first day ended with the victory of Carlos Coloma, followed by Catriel Soto and the Primaflor corridor, Ismael Ventura. Claudia Galicia triumphed in the women's category ahead of Ana Ramirez and Muriel Bouhet.
[embed] http://youtu.be/jettk8-2i[/embed]
Repeating podium
Already for the second stage, the hardest a priori in terms of ascension and distance, was developed by a beautiful place that delighted the runners and allowed a new battle to be fought among the best runners both in the male category and in The female.
In the women's category, the same podium was seen again as the day before, not being the male elite, where Catriel Soto took the day, ahead of Coloma and Valero.
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David Valero exhibition
On its last day, the Rioja Bike Race allowed David Valero's exhibition at a stage that was presumed more
Light that the previous one, due to its slightest mileage, although practically same unevenness, a fact that did nothing more than compress the same hardness.
From the first kilometers, the race broke in favor of the Granada corridor David Valero, who launched an attack that would finally lead him to the victory of the stage and to climb to third place in the drawer in the general, which was assigned and led by Carlos Coloma followed by Catriel Soto.
In the women's category, the podium of the first and second stage was repeated again, thus generating a solid victory of Claudia Galicia for this edition of the Rioja Bike Race.

In other categories, Valencian Alejo Moya took the game in Master 30, ahead of runners such as Javier Macías, Roberto Fernández or Pau Egeda.
With the good development of the test and the increasing attraction of it among the fans of the Mountain Bike, we will surely find in the 2016 edition a similar staging, with first level corridors and with some routes that will delight to the biker More expert.
(Photos and videos: La Rioja Bike Race)