How to win the turn drinking Blood Blood + Lead in pockets (Ander Izagirre)
Two recommendations in one. It cannot be otherwise, taking into account that Ander Izagirre He is the author of both titles: one, the most recent, dedicated to the Tour of Italy; The other, to the Tour de France. Both, essential. In the first, you will smile with the reading of Luigi Malabrocca's tricks to achieve the last position of the Italian turn and take the corresponding prize. Izagirre collects this and many other anecdotes in an extraordinary book. As extraordinary was his Lead in pockets, a classic of the author in which he immersed us in the gala round.📺 Don't miss this video. We talked to Ander Izagirre about his passion to tell, above all, "great stories" and the "fun" that is the process of creating his books about cycling.
Through the competition, the Book of the Giro allows you to discover the Socio -political context of the Italy of the twentieth century. Double interesting, therefore. The Pink Corsa It was always a reflection of Italian history and society. In his early days, he even served to build and publicize a country among his own citizens. Incredible stories and unique characters enter us in cycling more epic. As well written as documented. More than thirty chapters full of anecdotes, which have entity for themselves.
📺 Any time passed was better? The author speaks in this video of the fascination caused by the cycling of the old days.
You will discover endless cyclists: Champions (Giradengo, Coppi, Bartali, Merckx, Gimondi ...), Eternal climbers (Gaul, Tarangu, Pantani ...), Unique characters (Gerbi, Malabrocca, Visentini, Van der Velde ...), and even pioneer women, like Alfonsina Strada and Florinda Parenti. You will enjoy the fierce rivalry between Moser and Saronni, or with the exploits of Spanish cyclists such as Miguel Mari Lasa or Marino Lejarreta. In short, names that have contributed to make the turn a different, spontaneous race and with a Very particular idiosyncrasy.

Plan your pedaling (Chema Arguedas)
Although in this list we have dispensed with guides and manuals, a cycling training classic could not be missing. Plan your pedaling It is an authentic best-seller. The ideal guide if you aspire to improve your performance, both on the road and Off Road.📺 Surely you are interested. Chema Arguedas shares in this video the philosophy with which he wrote Plan your pedaling.
Chema Arguedas He shares his knowledge as coach, physical trainer, cyclo -tourist and sports nutritionist. In his book you will find everything about charges, metabolism and others Basic training concepts. A method scientifically validated which constitutes an ideal starting point for those who have never taken sports planning seriously. The story moves away from technicalisms and results Enjoyable. From the beginning, it shows that it is written by a crazy of cycling with thousands of kilometers on their legs. Therefore, it is easy for you to feel portrayed when browsing it.
📺 That's how it all started. Chema Arguedas remembers in this video its beginnings in the world of planning applied to cycling.
Plan your pedaling includes Training plans Specific to have it superfácil. If your goal is to give everything in a cycatourist test, this book gives you the guidelines to start and get to the day D stronger than ever.

The cyclist (Tim Krabbé)
The helplessness that a corridor lives during a race. This could be the brief summary of The cyclist. Definitely, One of the best novels about cycling Never written. Therefore, it is surprising that it will not arrive in Spain until 32 years after its publication. In other countries, such as Holland, it has long been The cyclist It is a cult book. Tim Krabbé He was a cyclist, but it is clear that he has reached fortune as a successful writer. In this book he shares unconfessable thoughts that pass through the head of a cyclist in full competition. The story focuses on a particular passage of his biography as an amateur corridor. Specifically, in the victory that was about to get in the Mont Aigoual tour of the year 1977. It is a chronic kilometer kilometer from the French test and a metaphor for how heroism is linked to misfortune.The chronicle from within a career and a metaphor of how heroism is linked to misfortune.The narrative is brilliant and you share the author's agony. An agony so hard that ends up becoming beauty. Let's say it becomes a kind of Tribute to suffering. The greatest quality, according to the author, who must have a cyclist to aspire to something in his profession. Tim Krabbé was able to taste the victory, but the fatality was brought. On the same arrival line, he was surpassed by a 19 -year -old kid. From defeat triumph, in a second. Many characters will sound unknown, but interest does not decay at any time. On the contrary: the Perspective of a cyclist amateur without hope of reaching professional of authenticity to the story.

Gregarious (Charly Wegelius)
"The gregarious is the cycling infantry soldier." It is one of the appointments you will find in the book. And is that Gregarious It is the story of a professional corridor delivered to the dark team work. The autobiographical story of Charly Wegelius, a prestigious British cyclist whose mission was always to obey his boss of ranks. In his twelve years at the highest level, he competed in teams such as Mapei-Quick Step, Liquigas and Omega Pharma-Lotto. It was a regular of the big laps, but He never won anything. His testimony is that of modest salary athletes, that of uncertainty, that of falls, that of certainty that they will never go down in the history of cycling. Charly Wegelius moves us the dream of a man who confesses away from doping and led his body beyond the limit of pain. A sacrificed youth to come true The dream of his childhood: Run the Tour of France and get a name in the professional squad. In the pages of Gregarious You will discover the most unknown cycling and, at the same time, the most widespread in the platoon.
Win at any price (Tyler Hamilton, Daniel Coyle)
Drugs and cycling. Possibly, the best book to understand the darkest era of our sport. A time in which Epo was the fashion word in the platoon. The story is as exciting as Desorator. A face to face in front of the doping drama in cycling. Win at any price It was the first book that dared to dive in the depths of a hidden reality for too many years. Everyone knew it, but nobody had arrests to tell it. A Novel autobiography of the professional exciclist Tyler Hamilton. A valuable testimony, since the testimony of a corridor who was at the summit and who lived the scandal in the first person was approached: he was Olympic champion and partner of Lance Armstrong In the US Postcard. Like the Tejano, he fell into the arms of doping.The testimony of a runner who was at the summit and lived the doping scandal in the first person.The author takes a tour of professional cycling from the decline of Indurain to the triumph and fall of Armstrong. It may seem somewhat self -complant, but the book grows with the passage of the pages. Is the result of 200 hours of interviews Together with Daniel Coyle, a famous New York Times journalist. The result, a research document as raw as extraordinary. For the book they parade doctors without principles (such as Eufemiano Fuentes), Directors of unscrupulous team (such as Bjarne Riis) and runners willing to risk everything in order to achieve glory. And always, with the omnipresence of Lance Armstrong and the doping practices of the time. They surprise the allusions and the level of detail. In summary, Win at any price It is one of the best testimonies around one of the greatest sports scandals of our time.

Death to counterreloj (Jorge Zepeda Patterson)
Fiction also has a place in this list. A Black novel With cycling flavor in which the struggle of power between cyclists is evident. The book presents Marc Moreu And to its leader Steve Panata. Both, of very different origin, but fraternally united by cycling. In 2016, after winning in four editions of the Tour de France, Panata faces the challenge of entering the exclusive Pentacampeones Club, next to Anquetil, Merckx, Hinault and Indurain. But that year, the race begins with strange and violent events. Someone is trying to eliminate the main candidates for triumph to take the yellow jersey.A novel in which they intend to eliminate the candidates for triumph in the Tour de France.The gala round becomes the Scenario of a murder. The book tells the search for the culprit that sows panic in the platoon, while the story of the efforts, sacrifices and anguish that cyclists are going through. In short, an intrigue of the type who is the murderer In the purest Agatha Christie style. According to advances, you will think that everyone could be guilty. The outcome, surprising.

Putting elbows (Laura Meseguer)
Putting elbows It is an excellent Journalistic review to the best generation of Spanish cyclists. The author makes us relive the most important milestones of our cycling In the last 15-20 years. With this book, you will know almost everything about the generation of the Valverde, accountant, Purito ... a fluid and evocative narrative invites you to read the book of the pull. Beyond the Tour de France, feats of cyclists are portrayed that were Pioneers in little explored territories. The classics, the victories of the great Freire or Alejandro Valverde, the triumphs in one week tests, the reign of Alberto Contador, the genius of Purito or Samu Sánchez ... history of the recent cycling told by its protagonists in the first person.The book collects great deeds of Spanish cycling and illustrates them with testimonies of its protagonists.Not only do winters appear. Other cyclists further from the spotlights also claim their space but whose work has contributed to the glory of our cycling: vicious, garrate, horrillo ... Many of the stories have lived in front of TV. The book will allow you to remember all together. Do you want a suggestion? You can read it and, in parallel, consult on YouTube some of those unforgettable passages.

The career against the Stasi (Herbie Sykes)
We present the winner of the British Sports Book Awards as Best Cycling Book of the year 2015. in fact, The career against the Stasi It is much more than a cycling book. Perfectly reflects how to make sport a political tool. The author tells us the story of Dieter Wiedemann, one of the great cyclist of the former East Germany. It was a podium in the Peace Race, a kind of Tour de France To the Soviet which ran through Poland, Czechoslovakia and the GDR. Wiedemann fell in love with a girl from the other side of the wall: Sylvia Hermann. From that moment on, the events began to rush.The passion for cycling and love between two people are combined to undertake a dangerous leak in times of the cold war.In 1964, he obtained permission to travel to Western Germany. There he had to dispute the classification for the Tokyo Olympic Games. Wiedemann took the opportunity to desert. In this way, he could meet his beloved and fulfill the dream of disputing the Tour of France. With his march, however, his close environment, his family, went on to the point of the stasi, the intelligence organ of the extinct RDA. And every reward is priced. The career against the Stasi It is a compendium of real testimonies, documents of Stasi herself, letters of the time, newspaper extracts ... all, to weave a story of Love, dropout and sport.

Tomorrow we go out (Jean Bobet)
A delicious book that teaches you epic cycling from within. If you are a lover of competition and history, you should not miss in your library. The author, the Frenchman Jean Bobet, he is little brother of the mythical Louison Bobet, the first winner of three consecutive editions of the Tour de France (1953-55). For this reason, your point of view is privileged. Jean was a university degree, something strange at that time. An intellectual formation clearly favors the story. But the book It is not exactly a biography, although he tells us experiences inside and outside cycling. He also tells us, of course, of his brother Louison, of the main figures of the time, of the social environment ... how cycling was then.The brother of the great Louison Bobet has a golden age of cycling from a privileged position.Possibly, the great value of the book is its ability to immerse ourselves in that Dorada of cycling: mid -twentieth century. A postwar period that almost palpates in its pages. Figures like Coppi, Koblet, Kübler, in addition to Bobet himself, will delight the good fan. A poker of cyclists to which the author calls G4. The work is enjoyable and is full of anecdotes. The same mafias as miraculous masseuses parade for their pages. Passages such as the Paris-Roubaix or Mont Ventoux justify reading. It's like being there. Passion, nostalgia, love ... sensations that will catch you throughout the reading of this masterful work.

We were young and unconscious (Laurent Fignon)
The Laurent Fignon autobiography I could not go unnoticed in this list. A rebel cyclist, who always escaped the norm and never got along too well with his sports directors. Let's say he didn't like to tell him what he had to do. The book is a great photography of the cycling of the eighties and ninety years. If you did not follow your career, the story will help you appreciate the enormous dimension of the French champion, winner in two editions of the Tour de France (1983 and 1984). Perfectly reflects your personality. At no time tries to be politically correct, but direct and without contemplations, it hurts who hurts. An unscathed work where he talks about his friends, his enemies, doping, the mistress in the race ...It is one of the best books to understand the cycling of the eighties and ninety.The book is full of juicy passages. From account adjustments between large cyclists of the time to party stories in full competition. The author has structured the story in short chapters, which facilitates reading. A highly recommended book to realize the pressure surrounding elite cyclists.

Periquism. Chronicle of a passion (Marcos Pereda)
If you ever moved to the attacks of Perico in those interpetitions of Tour de France, this book is for you. A great job of Marcos Pereda, also author of Arriva Italia, which could also appear on this list. In the early 80s, the absence of figures and equipment plunged Spanish cycling into depression. In that context, the figure of Pedro Delgado. In 1983, he headed the expedition of the Reynolds team to the Tour de France. Few believed in them, but there began the legend of a boy from Segovia who climbed ports as if there was no tomorrow.For those who grew up to the shout of Attack parakeet!, this work is essential.The book enters the figure of Perico and tells us its ascent to the heavens of cycling, with its lights and their shadows. A reunion with the last link of a cycling away from pinganillos and enhancement. An addictive book that could devour in a couple of days, but that should be tasted calmly. From his cyclist exploits, to his historical mistakes, through his birds or his peculiar relationship with José María García. A nostalgic and friendly look of an unrepeatable and charismatic cyclist. It is inevitable not to smile with some of the anecdotes. He Periquism is a feeling And this book is the most palpable test.