Learn to prevent tibial periostitis
The tibial periostitis or medial tibial stress syndrome is a frequent pathology among corridors due to bone overload due to continuous repetition of impacts. For this repeated gesture, the muscles that are in the tibia are irritated and cause pain in the anterior part of the leg during the exercise that, of not being treated, incapacitates for the activity.
The tibia is a long leg bone, which articulates proximally with the femur, the bruise and the fibula, and distally with it and with the astragalus. It is covered by periosteum, fibrous sheath that contains blood vessels and nerves that provide nutrition and bone sensitivity respectively.
The tibia has two muscles that intervene directly with the periostitis, the anterior tibial, which runs through the outer edge of the tibia and whose function among others is the dorsal flexion of the foot, and the posterior tibial, which is placed after the tibia and in The interossea membrane, with the plantar flexion function. Both stabilize the plantar arch in the race.
What causes the tibial periostitis?
The anterior and posterior tibial muscles become insufficient to control the landing of the foot and the takeoff of the latter, causing the race to be biomechanically poor. This together with the causes that are now cited, cause the tibial periostitis:
- Overly for excessive training.
- Bad biomechanics of the race.
- Inappropriate footwear.
- Worn and no damping footwear.
- Hyperpronation of the foot.
- Race on very hard terrain.
- Start running in a little progressive way.
- Excessive external or internal rotation.

How to detect and treat it
The corridor begins by noticing a burning sensation or deaf pain in the anterior face of the leg, which is relieved with rest, but that returns with the practice of the activity, even hindering its execution.
The diagnosis is mainly made with the exploration and the medical history, being advisable to carry out a biomechanical study of the march to complete it.
The treatment of tibial periostitis is to reduce training load. If sports activity is performed by hard surface, such as asphalt, it is necessary to change it for a softer surface. When sports will finish we will apply ice in the affected area for 15 minutes and stretch the musculature that surrounds it (soleo and twins) next to the anterior tibial and peroneous. If the pain persists, it will be advisable to make a biomechanical study of the tread for the application of a plantar orthosis that decreases stress to the affected tissue.
Another path of treatment is the shock waves and the plasma rich in platelets, but the main treatment is the rest of the sports activity that involves loading on the foot. It can be replaced by non -impact sports, such as cycling or swimming. The return to sports activity will be progressive and under physiotherapeutic control or sports foropted. In the case of the treatment, the surgery will be of choice.

Can it be prevented?
There are a number of recommendations to prevent the appearance of the tibial periostitis. These include the following guidelines:
- Good training planning.
- Suitable footwear for your type of footprint and in good condition.
- Good warming before starting sports activity.
- Stretching after sports activity (anterior tibial, peroneés, twins, soleo).
- Ankle proprioception.
- Avoid, inside the possible, run on hard surfaces.