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How to roll in a platoon not to mess it: 12 practical tips

How to roll in a platoon not to mess it: 12 practical tips

For someone with little experience, Rolle in a group It can be intimidating. It affects, for example, certain Bikers Little familiar with road cycling. Cyclists suffer too accustomed to walking alone. When joining a group, or by signing up to a cycling march, fears arise. We could continue with more and more examples, since it is something more common than it seems. Let's recognize that pedal in platoon, whether big or small, has its crumb. Especially, when your safety and that of the cyclists around you come into play. Said which, not panic. If you are new in these Arts, put on group, observe and learn how your colleagues develop on the road. Understood the mechanics, pedaling synchronized is simple and contributes a lot of advantages, starting with energy savings. Taking advantage of our companions's wake allows us to roll faster with less effort. Keep in mind that this effect begins to be received from 15-18 km/h. [Captation Id = "Attachment_7047" Align = "Alignnone" Width = "744"]Cyclists in the Lieja Bastogne Lieja monument Image: Thomas Maheux / A.S.O.[/caption] To all this, of course, we must add the fun that involves sharing a good time by bicycle in good company. Rolling in a group is a skill that any cyclist can acquire. Here you have 12 tips so that everything is much easier.

1.- Learn to be the first

To lead a group does not mean imposing your rhythm on colleagues. Neither by excess, nor by default. A pémiogudo matter, even conflictive, is to determine the optimal speed when you march in first position. How to know without references that mark my rhythm? The answer is complicated. There are cyclists who take advantage of circumstances, imposing an suffocating rhythm for many. Mistake. Nor should it go to the other end. Keep in mind that your classmates make less effort than you to roll at the same speed. By heading a group, the reasonable thing is to upload pulsations. Otherwise, you will force your formation at a very light pace or continuous braking. Going to Rueda represents at least a power savings of 20%. Therefore, going ahead, you should increase your effort to the same extent. Mathematics does not fail. Down -down, in a moderate slope, do not get carried away. It is tempting, but your colleagues will stop; Even, inertia itself will lead them to advance, with the consequent risk and rupture of the formation.

2.- Be a good leader

Related to the previous one, remember that being first in a group means watching for the safety of your classmates. In this sense, try scan the terrain and to warn of possible dangers. It acts in the same way that you would like them to act with you. Neither do you go crazy or go crazy to the group. Silling and making fuss as a possessed because a sewer lid is approaching does not seem reasonable. Especially when your classmates can misunderstand you, panic and cause a perfectly avoidable fall.

3.- Keep your head up

Not only for dignity, but - especially - for security. Bling your head while group wheels is a recipe for disaster. Use the corner of the eye to control the movements of your classmates to the left and right. Look up. If you march in a large group, up to 10 runners ahead of you. It is the only way to have a minimal margin of reaction in case a fall right is produced.
If you ask with your eyes on the wheel in front of you, it will be impossible to anticipate an eventual accident.
The more you approach the cyclist that precedes you, the more you benefit from his wake. But do not obsess with its rear wheel. Anticipate what comes ahead. Going to Rebufo should not involve hurrying space to the maximum. We will avoid the risk of sharpening and falling. Place yourself to the side of the corridor that precedes you, but not just behind (online). If you stop, you can move to the side and escape.

4.- Analyze your escape route

This is something that provides the sum of experience and some intuition. A sudden wind streak, a narrowing of the road, a curve that closes more than expected ... ensures that the air runs; That is, there is enough space between your bike and that of your grupeta companions. Even with all precautions, a fall can surprise you at any time; But if you remain alert, you will have more options to save it. When you whet in a large group, it is always safer to draw the curves inside. Especially, if the curves are closed. If a cyclist hits the pedal on a sidewalk or a outgoing of the land, the trend is to slide outward, spitting to the runners as if they were bowling. If you remain inside, let's say you have more control over your destination.

5.- Forget about the brakes (to some extent)

If you use the brake in a group, you will cause sudden decelerations. Therefore, the cyclist who precedes will have more options for eat Your rear wheel, to make the sharpener and cause chaos. If, on top of that, we block the wheel, the loss of bike control is almost insured. Move between the air currents. If you see that you get a lot to the cyclist from the front, leave the path to make the wind that slows you progressively. When your speed is equal to those of your classmates, return to the group's rebuild.

6.- Learn who is safe and who does not

Even in the professional field, there are cyclists who are known for being safe. Let's say they are reliable wheels to follow. Others are more likely to suffer accidents. The same goes for a fans. Note how your classmates and the decisions they make at all times. You will quickly recognize cyclists who are dangerous. In a sporting test, avoid those people. In your group, try to help them develop their skills to roll in a platoon. Neither do you avoid them, nor suggest them to abandon in their efforts. On the contrary, shooting in groups is a skill that is learned and, as a community, it is our responsibility to teach good habits to newcomers.

7.- Make relay, do not attack

When you take over from the cyclist who heads the group, do not put the hack. Simply increase speed and advance it naturally. If it is you who marches in front, let yourself fall back to prevent anyone who advances to be sentenced to overwhelming. Unfortunately, the stamp of fresh cyclist is frequent as an apple that takes the first position by passing power. The result: cyclist unmarked in front and harmony of the shattered group.

8.- Support your hands on the handlebar

If you need to stretch, or take off clothes, or tangle in the pockets of the jersey, go first to the grupeta tail. Whenever you roll in company, rest your hands on the handlebar. You can put yourself at risk and endanger your classmates. Common sense.

9.- Learn to sound your nose

The reality is raw and there are moments where the imperative need to spit or release mucosities arises. Do it when you are at the end of the group. If you have to execute Next to other cyclists, he points to the road, not to the side. Lower your head a little and expel what you have to expel under the arm, as if you were pointing to the end of the handlebar, more or less.

10.- Change when you stand up

When you stand when pedaling, the balance of weights on the bike changes and the cadence tends to slow down. This can produce a sudden deceleration. It is as if your rear wheel went back to the front wheel of the cyclist behind. Not only can you give it a scare, but to cause a collision. To avoid it, lower one or two pine nuts as you get up from the armchair. In this way, you will use a lower cadence and maintain constant speed. You will be more predictable.

11.- Do not goals wheel

In Spain, cyclists are allowed to go in parallel. In fact, it is usually the usual formation in groups of all kinds. The correct way to do it is handlebar with handlebars. Avoid rolling half a wheel ahead of the cyclist next to your side. It is something that can irritate your classmates; Especially, if you accelerate to maintain that minimal advantage. That attitude ends up increasing the rhythm unnecessarily, breaking the harmony of formation.
If wheels in parallel, do not be ahead of your partner, then you will end up increasing the rhythm of the group unnecessarily.
If you feel the strongest, stay more in the head, but at the rhythm of the group, do not force your classmates to pedal over their possibilities. It is very annoying. In this way, you will get the training you are looking for and your colleagues will march more comfortable to wheel for a longer time. Upper up (we are not talking about ports), try to establish a rhythm that is comfortable for half of the group, approximately. It could be rather easy for you, but demanding for some colleagues. It is a good strategy to maintain compact training in most increases.

12.- Avoid putting the group in danger

Uniting a group is like joining the musketeers: all for one and one for everyone. For security and efficiency, the whole group must move with only one mind. It is something that you must take into account, especially if you whet to the command. Can the whole group pass the traffic light in green? Is there enough space in traffic so that the entire group turns left? Although each one must be responsible for himself, he prevents the cyclists who follow you from being compromised. At some point, a car will spend too close or some exalted will increase you from the car. Recreating too much in these situations is risky. You can endanger more people and involve them in a situation with which they may not want to deal with. Compare yourself with coldness. How about? Can you think of more recommendations? In the long run, most of these habits become a simple automatism. The longer you roll with the same group of people in a group, the better you can anticipate their behavior. You will enjoy more and feel greater security.
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