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Do you know how many bicycles are in circulation in Spain?

Do you know how many bicycles are in circulation in Spain?

cyclists by bicycle In Spain we are more and more pedaling. Year after year the number of new bicycles sold in our country grows and both in 2015 and 2016 exceeded one million units. But how many are circulating every day through the streets, roads and Spanish mountains? According to the 2017 bicycle barometer data, it is estimated that in Spain there are about 30 million bicycles. Given that our country has 46.5 million people, there are 0.65 bicycles for each inhabitant. The figure is below that of other countries in our environment such as Germany (0.84 bicycles per inhabitant) or the Netherlands, where there are more bicycles than people (1.3 per inhabitant), but the data speak of a growing trend. bicycle In Spain there are 3.5 million cyclists more than 8 years ago. In this figure are both those who use the bicycle and means of transport to move daily in urban and interurban routes, such as those that use it as a sports or recreational practice. In addition, from the 2017 bicycle barometer, it follows that almost a quarter of the Spaniards who are between 12 and 79 years bike at least once a week. Half of them (54.2%) use it for their daily displacements, such as going to work, while 37.7% use it to do sports. Another fact that points this study is the lack of policies that encourage the use of the bicycle optimally in the cities. 85% of Spaniards agree that, to reduce environmental pollution, it is necessary to increase the use of the bicycle to the detriment of other conventional means of transport, such as the car. However, four out of ten Spaniards believe that their city is not safe enough or adapted to the bicycle. 90% of respondents believe that more bicycle and bike lanes should be created in cities.
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