Among the work, social and family commitments that each one has in this modern life and a march calendar that seems to be more saturated every day, it is not usually a simple task to choose which career to register and which to discard throughout the year.
Classic Somiedo ports It is one of those marches that it is hard to say no. For the environment where it is disputed -in the heart of the Somiedo Natural Park -the organization and hardness of the profile, this cycling march becomes a personal challenge difficult to forget.
This test has already become one of the reference races in Asturias, together with the massive cyclista Lagos de Covadonga, the Luarquesa Sacagüeyos (Sacaojos, Be careful!), The climb to Sotres in the Cabrales cyclist, the Esmeralda ports and The one that has entered strongly into the annual Asturian cycling calendar, the Cubilla cyclist.
The enclave: in the Somiedo Natural Park

This cycatourist march takes place in the heart of the first Asturian space declared a natural park back in 1988. It is a paradise between mountains and forests of beech and oak, with sites as spectacular as the Lakes of Salience or the Lake of the Valley.
A tourist claim for which he wants to enjoy nature in its purest state and one of the essential sites on any visit to Asturias.
The test: four mythical ports
This non -competitive march (although timed in the final part) is usually played every year towards the end of August.
With Pola out of Somiedo and arrival in the farrapona, the test profile leaves little doubt. As simple and as complex as it is to climb four ports in 120 kilometers and more than 3,300 meters of accumulated ascent.
[IRP Posts = "2554" Name = "What are retro -style cycling marches?"]
Port of Somiedo

He leaves Pola de Somiedo and almost without time to warm up we are going to climb the port of Somiedo. Twelve kilometers neutralized with very constant slopes with an average of 7%, to enter the province of León and rolling all together until the first supplies in San Emiliano.
Window port
After the provisioning we will begin to climb the window port along the southern face, without a doubt the simplest of this port. There are 6 kilometers neutralized by wide road with an average of 6%, to crown and enter again in Asturias, where we will enjoy one of the most beautiful parts of the march: the 20 kilometers of descent of the port window with cut traffic until reaching San Martín de Teverga. The typical Asturian road mousetrack between trees, a privilege for any cyclist.
Puerto San Lorenzo
In the provision of Teverga there will be regrouping and from here save who can! The timed section begins to the goal.
For the one who writes, it is the hardest port of this classic and of those that are most choking the Asturians: the port of San Lorenzo.
It is an ascension of 11 kilometers at 8% on average. But that this does not call anyone deceit, and that is that nothing has to do with the first half of the port. We will start with some 2-3% earrings that will go up to 6-7% upon reaching Villanueva.
There we are going to find the first ramps at 12% and after a short break we will face the last terrible 5 kilometers, in which this port will not give us a rest meter. The earrings will not drop from 10% and there will be peaks of up to 16%.
To all these numbers (which are already afraid of the body) we must add the possible heat, and it is that it is a very wide and open road port, without trees that protect us from those heat days (as was the case in the edition 2019) bending the hardness of this colossus.
The pharrapona

At 1,708 meters of altitude, the farrapona is the third highest road in Asturias, behind the Gamoniteiru and Cuitunigru. Final stage of the Vuelta on several occasions, with stages that will not be easily forgotten, such as the 2011 where Wiggins barely managed to sentence the return 2014.
[IRP Posts = "3445" Name = "Routes by bicycle: climb to Los de Covadonga"]
The climb begins at the crossroads of the Malva reservoir, here we can decide whether we want to upload it or end the day and follow the road to Pola de Somiedo and in 2 kilometers we will be at the exit.
If we make the decision to finish the test, almost 19 kilometers await us to save about 1,100 meters of unevenness, little joke. In the first kilometer we find the last provisioning to be able to gain strength (if at this feast heights you can get somewhere), and from here facing the slow one counts behind the kilometers that we need to crown and end this challenge.
A very irregular port awaits us in terms of slopes in which saving some small descent and some false plain, it always goes to more.
To conclude this essential Asturian march we will have about 6 kilometers with slopes that will be around 10% in which the grove will begin to disappear and where the wind may appear.
[IRP Posts = "3437" Name = "Bicycle routes: the climb to the port of the Cubilla in Asturias"]
End of party
Upon reaching the goal in the Farrapona we will have an provisioning to recover, our replacement clothes (if you want replacement clothes in the finish line, you have to give it to the organization in the collection of dorsals) and the best…. We will have good views of León and Asturias.
You have to remember that you do not have to
Fartucase (fill) too much in the provisioning of the finish What do we all like to do or not?