But if what you are looking for are truly unique routes, of those that you can proud your grandchildren, we propose these six. Can you imagine what you are going to put in Strava completing these tours?
1- Dalton Highway (Alaska)
Come well, because the cold is one of the worst enemies of those brave who decide to face the latest Alaska road in the north direction.
There are 666 kilometers (yes, the number is not accidental) that make up a journey that starts in Prudhoe Bay, in the Arctic, and ends in Valdez, already in the Pacific Ocean. The motorists and cyclists who have traveled all their itinerary or part of it agree that
This is one of the most inhospitable places in the globe.
This does not prevent him from having spaces of enormous natural beauty, such as the governors Gobbler’s Knob and Finger Mountain. Only for the bravest.
2- Gibb River Road (Australia)
Australia is the largest island in the world. His deserts are the most extensive on earth. And has natural phenomena and unique animal species on the five continents. And you expected that I had no representation on this list?
The roads that cross the
outback Australian (the semi -arid interior of the country) are numerous, but we stay with the Gibb River Road, in the Kimberley region:
660 kilometers between the localities of Derby and Kununurra splashed with kangaroos and crocodiles.
You will also find indigenous tribes faithful to an ancient culture. And authentic gifts for the view, such as Lennard's gorges or the surprising Windjana Gorge National Park, in which it is possible to take a placid bath to recover strength.
3- Road of the Yungas (Bolivia)
the dead's path, it cannot be said that he who faces him is not warned. It is only 60 kilometers of travel between La Paz, Bolivian capital, and the town of Coroico ... but what 60 kilometers!
To begin with, the width of the road is only 3.5 meters. To continue, in 90% it is downhill, since between the point of origin and the place of arrival there is a height difference of 2,500 meters. And to finish,
runs between a rock wall and the precipice, which will give to a beautiful valley.
Of course, companions are not missing, since the bicycle is the predominant means of locomotion in the area. Built by prisoners in the 30s, it is possible to travel in 4 hours, although pressure changes advise to make several stops and take it patiently.
4- Trollson (Norway)
The 11 curves with slopes greater than 9% of this road located in the center of Norway have appeared in numerous video clips and movies. And is not for less.
It was built in 1936 to communicate the peoples of Valldal and Åndalsnes, although its promoters did not seem to care about the danger of traveling it. Fortunately,
The authorities only allow it to circulate through it during the summer months.
In the Nordic country, little given to exaggerations, they know it as the
Troll staircase, and it is common for the waves to cover a part of the tour when the sea is brave. Do you think enough?
5- Tianmen Shan (China)
Tianmen Shan, to which he is nicknamed with respect
Puerta del Cielo mountain, has a permanent position among the most dangerous roads on Earth and at the same time among the most beautiful.
99 curves are concentrated in its 9.5 kilometers in length, each more closed. The number of turns is not accidental, because it invokes luck according to Chinese culture, but the truth is that its route can become a real torture if there is no special ability with the bicycle.
Ah, and 1,100 meters of height difference between its beginning and its end do not help.
6- Moki Dugway (United States)
In the southeast of the state of Utah there is one of the roads that has been charged more accidents (yes, of little gravity) throughout the history of the United States. And that is only composed of 5 kilometers.
11% earrings and a speed limit set in some 8 km/h sections, which gives an idea of how easy it is to get out of a curve and bite the dust, which in this case is a lot. Narrow and winding, every precaution in it is little, as the injured and abandoned cars that can be contemplated from some points remember.
The best award, after touring it, is to visit the parking area near the top, from where the amazing valley of the gods can be contemplated.