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5 frequent breakdowns of your bike brakes and how to solve them

5 frequent breakdowns of your bike brakes and how to solve them

How to solve the 5 most common breakdowns in your bicycle brakes

The brakes are one of the key components for the safety and good performance of any bicycle. whether as a mountain in a bicycle road, Grave, Electric or of mountain, it is important to perform regular maintenance to avoid common problems that may arise over time. Next, we review the most frequent breakdowns and how to solve them, in addition to recommending additional resources on disc brakes, an increasingly popular braking system among cyclists.

1. Noise or squeak in the brakes

One of the most common problems in the brakes, whether disk or zapata, is the squeak. This may be due to a bad adjustment of dirty pills or discs. Although it does not always affect security, that noise can be an indicative of premature wear that should be reviewed.

Simple solution: Adjust the clamp and make sure there is no friction. In the Zapata brakes, the shoes align properly for efficient braking.

2. Vibrations when braking

Vibrations in the brakes are usually indicative of a problem on the braking surface, either on the disc or on the tire. If the discs are dirty, bent or poorly installed, they can cause uncomfortable vibrations when braking.

Solution: Clean the discs with soft soap and water. If you use Zapata brakes, make sure the braking track is in good condition and without deformations.

3. Lack of touch in the handle

The lack of touch in the handle may be due to several factors, such as air entry into the hydraulic circuit or insufficient tension in cable brakes. If you squeeze the handle and braking is poor, it is time to check the system.

Solution: Adjust the cable tension or purge the system in hydraulic brakes. If you use disc brakes and you are not sure how to keep them, you can consult more information about your care in the post All about the brakes of disk: guys, Technologies current and maintenance, where we explain how to optimize your performance.

4. Little braking power

If you notice that the brakes no longer have the necessary power, even if the touch is good, this could be due to the wear of the pills or the shoes, or to problems in the brake fluid in the hydraulic systems.

Solution: Replace worn pills or shoes and purge the system if necessary.

5. Brake overheating

Overheating is a common problem in long descents, especially in mountain bicycles. Using brakes constantly during a long descent can generate loss of power due to heat.

Solution: Try to stop progressively and make pauses so that the brakes cool. Avoid continuous use to prolong your useful life.

It is essential to remember that the good maintenance of your bike brakes not only ensures safe driving, but also improve your experience on each route. Whether you prefer cycling of road either mountain, attending to time the most common failures in the brakes is key to prolonging the useful life of your bicycle and avoiding accidents.

Review the braking system and act quickly to any problem will make a difference in your safety and enjoy two wheels.

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